Posts in Rugby
POST PRODUCTION: Rugby World Cup winner Bryan Habana on New York Rugby TV show

Bryan Habana is a Rugby World Cup winning rugby player. He recently turned up on New York’s Rugby Wrap Up show, to talk about receiving the Play Rugby USA Athlete Giving Back Award. I have the privilege of working on the post production and edit of this show. Being a massive rugby fan, it’s always a privilege to be able to work on projects like this, featuring the worlds best players.

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Editing the Major League Rugby Highlights Show

Rugby is the fastest growing sport in the United States and 2018 has seen the introduction of a new professional league, Major League Rugby. Over the last few weeks, I've been busy editing an MLR highlights show for New York online Rugby TV show, Rugby Wrap Up. Watch the shows after the jump…

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BBC The Rugby Codebreakers

David Watkins takes us from his earliest rugby days in rugby union with Newport, Wales and the British and Irish Lions to his decision to move north to rugby league with Salford, a decision that resulted in him being shunned by the rugby union community. The Only player to ever captain the British and Irish Lions in Rugby Union and Great Britain in Rugby League. A canny, darting fly-half from the mining community of Blaina in north Gwent, Watkins used his sport to expand his horizons and make his name known and respected worldwide.

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6 Nations video edits featured on who create professionally designed plugins and templates for Final Cut Pro X, have featured my editing work for New York based Rugby Wrap Up on their news page. The article shows how the RWU uses XEffects 3D Sports Graphics throughout our recent NatWest 6 Nations shows..

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RUGBY: USA and Canada to join 6 Nations ?

Six Nations chiefs recently ruled out the introduction of relegation and promotion format to the worlds oldest international rugby tournament.

For all the talk of growing the game by World Rugby, the 8 founder unions of England, France, Scotland, Wales, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa seem to be afraid of losing control of the game and have continually held back the expansion into other countries , instead keeping the game as a cosy old boys club just for them.

In recent years, however, there have been moves by the founder Big 8 unions to move into the Amercian market. 

Therefore, why don't the 6 Nations look to tap into the American market by adding USA & Canada to the tournament and make it 8 nations split into 2 pools of 4 with end of season grand final and relegation playoff with Rugby Europe (6 nations B). TV and sponsors would love it and this would open up the game to continental Europe and North America overnight. Sadly it won't happen as the game is run by officials with self-interest, who are afraid of change and losing control. 

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